When someone purchases or refinances a house, a loan signing agent is hired to have them sign the final paperwork for this transaction. The loan signing agent will print the paperwork, meet with the client, watch them sign the loan papers and notarize the documents, as needed.
Millions of loan transactions occur every year and you, as a loan signing agent, can earn $75 to $200+ per appointment which takes an hour or less. You are hired based on your location in proximity to the loan signing.
This workshop teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to become a successful Notary Signing Agent in YOUR state. ..PLUS..the workbook includes a list of 200+companies (list is updated every year) that want to do business with you in your State.
You can spend a lot of time trying to figure everything out for yourself or you can learn from Carol Birkey, an expert with 30+ years experience, working as a loan signing agent.
Workbook ONLY -- sent to any address in the U.S.
Refresher Class (Re-attend the workshop and you must bring your original workbook PLUS you will be provided with an updated list of companies).
Personal One-on-one consultation -- This 1 hour consultation will answer all the questions you may have regarding going forward, tips, new signing companies and additional information that has been added since last workshop.
Isn't it time you started investing in YOU?
Copyright © 2025 Carol Birkey - All Rights Reserved.